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Jamie Y. Crews
Advisor, Speaker & Author

Jamie Y. Crews, a resident medical practitioner has been studying pregnancy care for a decade. Her expertise extends to pre and post pregnancy necessities for woman’s wellbeing. She is an active member at that deals in abortion pills.

Which is the Best: Abortion Pill or Surgery to End a Pregnancy Early?

As reports say, more than half of pregnancy endings today are done with medicines when compared to invasive techniques. While surgical technique used is done in a clinic or doctor’s office, and completes in lesser duration, abortion pills are still preferable. This is because of it being early option for women in their pregnancy.


Why Women Take Abortion Pill?

Scientifically it is proven that medical abortion pills can work to remove pregnancy parts wholly from womb as soon as 4 weeks gestation, but surgery is efficient only when done after 6 weeks of gestation. The difference in waiting period makes the tablets a clear winner, even if it takes around 2 weeks to perform and end the pregnancy against only a day taken when done surgically.


  • Another reason why women buy is that these can be administered in personal space of home. Yes, there is no necessity to consume the medications at a clinic or even get admitted to one.


  • The medical method also allows women to save on costs by not spending on hospitals or additional care. When a person is at home, a lot many unneeded expenses are curtailed. Also, females can get , which are original.


  • Only take the medications home, and proceed with dosage as indicated by the doctor or the user manual. A lot many research and organizations have confirmed that are safe, and when taken from reliable sources in right format, the success rate is more than 95 percent.

These reasons are sufficient to encourage females going the medication way than invasive when it comes to pregnancy termination. It is a myth that medical regimen causes breast cancer, psychological trouble, infertility, and other dangers to health.


Who can choose a Medical Pregnancy Termination?

Now that it is clear why medications are more in use than surgical procedure of pregnancy ending, it is important to know who can and cannot undergo the medical pregnancy termination:


  • Women who are between 4 to 9 weeks pregnant, not allergic to the medications, free of heart/psychological/uterine/adrenal gland/liver/kidney disorders, not having a past of stroke, and bleeding problems can consider ending pregnancy with medicines.


  • Those who are very obese, more than 12 weeks pregnant, have inherited porphyria, sexually transmitted infections, on long-term corticosteroid therapy, and other serious health problems, must speak to their doctor for a suitable alternative to medical regimen to end pregnancy.


  • Teenage abortion law is not equal throughout the world. In some areas, teenagers can take help of adult, parental consent, or permission of the local judge to allow pregnancy ending, while in others it is illegal to obtain the medicines until the age of 18.


Thus, whoever wishes to get pregnancy terminated at whatever stage, must seek doctor’s consultation to know which method: medication or surgical, is best for their health. If taking any medicines or dietary supplements, over-the-counter preparations etc. let the physician know about these. Carry health related tests, documents etc. for the better understanding of the healthcare professional.

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